ADI Sponsors Brodie McIntosh – Australia’s best IPSC Shooter
This year ADI Powders is sponsoring Brodie McIntosh – Australia’s best IPSC shooter.
Brodie was born in Cobram, Victoria, in 1974. Growing up on the family farm he was introduced to firearms at an early age and displayed a keen interest in shooting. His first competition was in Devenish in 1993, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Brodie is a great ambassador of our ADI powders, personally reloads all of his competition rounds and has a preference for our Smokeless Pistol Powder, AP100 for IPSC and AP50 for Steel Challenge.
Brodie has dominated the sport of IPSC in Australia, winning an unprecedented 15 consecutive IPSC National Open Division Titles and is the current World IPSC #3. Brodie has just competed at the SSAA Victorian Steel Challenge Championships at Little River.
Action handgun shooting is a dynamic discipline catering to revolver and self-loading pistol shooters. While international rules dictate that the firearm’s calibre must be at least 9mm, due to Australia’s handgun regulations, Action Match competitors predominantly use either a .38 Super, .357 Sig or 9mm Parabellum self-loading pistol or a .38 Special/.357 Magnum revolver.
Action shooting discipline includes Open (specialised handguns with optical sights), Metallic Sight (no peep, optical or electronic sights, orthopaedic grips, compensators or ported barrels), Production and the sub discipline Steel Challenge.
Steel Challenge is a rimfire and centrefire handgun shooting event comprising of eight stages consisting of five strings per stage totalling a minimum of 200 rounds. The competitors shoot from a stationary position at static steel plates. The stages are; Accelerator, Five-to-Go, Outer Limits, Pendulum, Roundabout, Showdown, Smoke & Hope and Speed Option. Each stage is unique in design and offers a different challenge to the shooter and scoring is straightforward, your time is your score.
Brodie won the 2016 Victorian Steel Challenge Champion along with
- 1st Place Metallic Sight
- 1st Place Open
- 1st Place Dual Gun
ADI Powders is proud to be part of Brodie’s team, and looks forward to continuing to support him at events throughout the year.