Australian Munitions takes top honours at US long range competition
Over the past thirty years, Thales and its Australian Munitions business has continued a strong partnership with Hodgdon – the world’s largest propellant distributor, and has exported over nine million kilograms of powder to the US alone.
The continuing demand from the US for superior propellant has assisted in the increasing number of export sales from the Commonwealth’s Mulwala facility operated by Thales . At present, the number one selling product in the US market is H4350, manufactured as AR2209.
The popularity of this propellant range was recently demonstrated at the 4th Annual Nighforce ELR match hosted at the Q Creek Ranch in Wyoming.
The competition is one of the most extreme long rang shooting competitions in the world and gave competitors the opportunity to test their skills at extended ranges over 226,000 hectares of scenic landscape.
All but very few competitors used ADI World Class Powders and Ammunition powder manufactured by Australian Munitions and sold by Hodgdon. The first seven out of the overall top 10 competitors all used ADI powder, with AR2217 being the most popular with the competitors, including the 1st place overall winner. ADI’s popularity at the event showcased its highly rated consistency in quality, accuracy and performance.
In a highly saturated market, the clean burning performance characteristics that set ADI powders apart continue to meet customer expectations in the toughest conditions. The results speak for themselves.
4th Annual Nightforce ELR Match Leaderboard
1st Place Overall
Powder – AR2217 – Australian Munitions
2nd Place Overall
Powder – AR2217 – Australian Munitions
3rd Place Overall
Powder – AR2218 – Australian Munitions
4th Place Overall
Powder – AR2217 – Australian Munitions
5th Place Overall
Powder – AR2217 – Australian Munitions
6th Place Overall
Powder – AR2213SC – Australian Munitions
7th Place Overall
Powder – AR2217 – Australian Munitions
Top Lady
Powder – AR2225 – Australian Munitions